C++ Core Guidelines: A Short Detour to Contracts in C++20
My original plan was it to write in this post about the next rules to error handling. But I changed my…
The End of my Detour: Unified Futures
After the last post to executors, I can finally write about the unified futures. I write in the post…
A Short Detour: Executors
A few weeks ago, one of the authors of the proposal to the futures in C++ Felix Petriconi wrote me an…
No New New: Raw Pointers Removed from C++
Two weeks ago, the ISO C++ standard meeting took place in Jacksonville. Today I want to make a…
Placeholders – The Second
The unification of templates, concepts, and placeholders goes on. This time, I will look closely at constrained…
Task Blocks
Task blocks use the well-known fork-join paradigm for the parallel execution of tasks.
Who invented…
Transactional Memory
Transactional memory is based on the idea of a transaction from the database theory. Transactional memory…
std::future Extensions
Tasks in the form of promises and futures have in C++11 an ambivalent reputation. On the one hand, they…
Multithreading with C++17 and C++20
Forecasts about the future are difficult. In particular, when they are about C++20. Nevertheless, I will…
Monads in C++
Monads in C++? What a strange name for a post. But it's not so strange. With std::optional, C++17 gets…