
The Facade Pattern

Today, I write about the Facade Pattern. The Facade Pattern is a structural pattern and has one purpose:…

The Composite Pattern

The Composite Pattern allows you to compose objects into tree structures and treat the individual object…

The Decorator Pattern

The Decorator Pattern's job is to extend an object with responsibilities dynamically. Let me, in today's…

The Bridge Pattern

The Bridge Pattern is a structural pattern. It decouples the interface from the implementation. In C++,…

The Adapter Pattern

The idea of the adapter pattern is straightforward: It converts the interface of a class into another…

The Singleton: The Alternatives Monostate Pattern and Dependency Injection

So far, I have discussed in my previous posts the Singleton Pattern, and its pros and cons. One question…

The Singleton: Pros and Cons

I introduced in my last post "The Singleton", the classical Singleton and the so-called Meyers Singleton.…

The Singleton

The most controversial Design Pattern from the book  "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented…

The Factory Method (Slicing and Ownership Semantics)

In the last installment of this blog, I introduced the Factory Method: Creational Patterns: Factory Method…

The Factory Method

The classic book "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" has 23 patterns. They…