An anti-pattern is a proven way to shoot yourself into your foot. The term anti-pattern was coined by…
About Algorithms, Frameworks, and Pattern Relations
Patterns don't live in isolation, they are in relation to each other. A relation can mean they are in…
The Structure of Patterns
The classics "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", and "Pattern-Oriented…
Classification of Patterns
In my last post, I presented the classification of design patterns based on the seminal book "Design…
Classification of Design Patterns
Patterns can be classified in various ways. The most prominent ones are the ones used in the books "Design…
The History of Patterns
Most software developers assume that the book "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented…
The Advantages of Patterns
Before I write about patterns in my upcoming posts, I have to answer one question first. What are the…
Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns with C++: A First Overview
Based on my last poll, "Which mentoring program should I implement next?" I recognized that there is…