
Regular Types

The concept of a regular type goes back to the creator of the Standard Template Library (STL) Alexander…

The Rule of Zero, or Six

The rule of zero, or six, is one of the advanced rules in modern C++. I wrote in my current book "C++…

Argument-Dependent Lookup and the Hidden Friend Idiom

Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL), also known as Koenig Lookup, is a set of "magical" rules for the lookup…

Partial Function Application

Partial Function Application is a technique in which a function binds a few of its arguments and returns…

The Copy-and-Swap Idiom

An idiom is an architectural or design pattern implementation in a concrete programming language. Applying…

The Template Method

The Template Method is a behavioral design pattern. It defines a skeleton for an algorithm and is probably…

The Visitor Pattern

The Visitor Pattern encapsulates an operation executed on an object hierarchy as an object and enables…

The Observer Pattern

The Observer Pattern is a behavioral pattern from the book   "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable…

The Proxy Pattern

The Proxy Pattern is probably the most influential design pattern for C++. The Proxy provides a placeholder…

The Strategy Pattern

The Strategy Pattern is a behavioral design pattern from the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable…