C++23: More Small Pearls

With the static multidimensional subscript and call operator, the C++23 core language has more to offer. auto(x)…

My New Blog

My blog Modernes C++ is over seven years old and needed a redesign. Here it is. I hope you like it. If…

C++23: The Small Pearls in the Core Language

The C++23 core language has more to offer than deducing this. Today, I will write about the small pearls. Literal…

C++23: Syntactic Sugar with Deducing This

The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) is a heavily used idiom in C++. It is similarly resistant…

C++23: Deducing This

Anyone who thinks a small C++ standard follows a significant C++ standard is wrong. C++23 provides powerful…