std::future Extensions
Tasks in the form of promises and futures have in C++11 an ambivalent reputation. On the one hand, they…
And the Winners are
Mads Ravn, Antonis Polykratis, Martin Mancuska, David Farago, Edgar Rojas, and Adrian Javaloy.
Atomic Smart Pointers
C++20 will have atomic smart pointers. To be exact, we will get a std::atomic_shared_ptr and a std::atomic_weak_ptr.…
Parallel Algorithms of the Standard Template Library
The idea is quite simple. The Standard Template has more than 100 algorithms for searching, counting,…
Multithreading with C++17 and C++20
Forecasts about the future are difficult. In particular, when they are about C++20. Nevertheless, I will…
Expression Templates
Expression templates are "structures representing a computation at compile-time, which are evaluated…
C++ is Lazy: CRTP
In my previous post, Recursion, List Manipulation, and Lazy Evaluation, I wrote about the characteristics…
Six Vouchers to Win
Ivan Cukic is currently writing a book on "Functional Programming in C++" for Manning Publication. Currently,…
Monads in C++
Monads in C++? What a strange name for a post. But it's not so strange. With std::optional, C++17 gets…
We stay in the year 2020. With high probability, we will get concepts. Of course, waterproof statements…