My Book “Concurrency with Modern C++” is 50% complete
Concurrency with Modern C++ is a journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++. It includes…
My Book “Concurrency with Modern C++” is 30% complete
Concurrency with Modern C++ is a journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.
Looking for Proofreaders for my new Book: Concurrency with Modern C++
I'm looking for proofreaders for my new book. I'll give you a detailed insight into the current and the…
I’m Done – Geschafft: Words about the Future of my Blogs
I'm more than happy to say. I'm done with translating my more the 130 posts from…
And the Winners are
Mads Ravn, Antonis Polykratis, Martin Mancuska, David Farago, Edgar Rojas, and Adrian Javaloy.
Six Vouchers to Win
Ivan Cukic is currently writing a book on "Functional Programming in C++" for Manning Publication. Currently,…
Improvements of this Blog
In my post Time for Wishes, I asked: "How can I improved my blog?" And here are the answers.
Time for Wishes
I wrote more than 130 posts in my German blog about functional programming, embedded programming and…
Published at Leanpub: The C++ Standard Library
Just published: The C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the…
I’m proud to present: The C++ Standard Library
The C++ Standard Library: All you have to know as a professional programmer about the C++ library.