Threads Lifetime
The parent has to take care of their child. This simple idea has big consequences for a thread lifetime.…

For the Proofreaders and the Curious People
After a lot of discussion with my proofreaders, we finally have a process to publish the articles.

Thread Creation
Thread creation is easy. Call std::thread, and a new thread will be created. The thread gets a…

Multithreading in Modern C++
With the new C++11 Standard, C++ faces the first-time challenges of multicore architectures. The…

Why my Blog in English?
For half a year I have a blog about modern C++: Modernes C++. Although 80% of the readers are used to…

Über mich
Ich bin seit gut 15 Jahre Softwareentwickler. Da ich die permante Fortbildung als die entscheidende…

Rainer Grimm
Cottbuser Weg 20
72108 Rottenburg
Tel.: 07472 917441
Internet: www.grimm-jaud.de