An Overview Of C++26: The Library – Math
The most interesting feature of the new C++26 standard library is its improved math support.

An Overview of C++26: The Library
In my last post, I overviewed C++26's core language. Today, I continue with the library.
To make…

An Overview of C++26: Core Language
C++26 has a lot to offer. Let me directly jump in and give you an overview.
This image gives…

C++26: The Next C++ Standard
C++26 will be the next C++ standard after C++23. This new standard significantly improves C++ and is…

My ALS Journey (13/n): Next Steps
Ice Bucket Challenge
The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge,…

C++23: This and That
I have already written 10 posts about C++23. Today, I want to discuss the features I forgot in the first…

Feature Testing Macros
The feature testing macros is a relatively unknown feature in C + + 20. They give you the definitive…

My ALS Journey (12/n): My Legacy
Today, I want to give you a rough idea, how I plan my next year's as a teacher, mentor , and speaker.

Cooperative Interruption of a Thread in C++20: Callbacks
I introduced in my last post "Cooperative Interruption of a Thread in C++20" callbacks. Today, I dive…

Cooperative Interruption of a Thread in C++20
A typical question in my C++ seminars is: Can a thread be killed? Before C++20, my answer is no. With…

My ALS Journey: 11/n
This update is a special one. I want to explain how I can still provide classes, mentoring, and presentations.