Entries by Rainer Grimm

C++ Core Guidelines: The Philosophy

Today, I will dig deeper into the C++ Core Guidelines. I wrote about the Introduction section in my last post about the C++ Core Guidelines. Today I write about the section that is “primarily for humans”. This is the most general section and is called Philosophy. The rules are so general that you can apply […]

Why do we need Guidelines for Modern C++?

This subjective post is based on more than 15 years of experience as a trainer for C++, Python, and software development in general. In the last years, I was responsible for the software and the team for building software for defibrillators. That included the regulatory affairs for our devices. Writing software for a defibrillator is […]

What is Modern C++?

We often speak about classical and modern C++. What does that mean? First of all: What is modern C++? There is a simple and a not-so-simple answer. The simple answer is. Modern C++ stands for C++, which is based on C++11, C++14, and C++17. I guess you know it. This post and a series of […]