C++ Insights – Type Deduction
Andreas Fertigs story with C++ Insights goes on. This weeks post is about type deduction with auto and decltype or as I often phrase it: “Use the smartness of the compiler.”
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But we are proud to say that Rainer Grimm contributed 656 entries already.
Andreas Fertigs story with C++ Insights goes on. This weeks post is about type deduction with auto and decltype or as I often phrase it: “Use the smartness of the compiler.”
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I’m totally happy to announce that this post starts a series of posts to C++ Insights. C++ Insights is an awesome tool that I use heavily in my posts and in my classes to show the magic of the C++ compiler.
Due to the same history of C and C++, both languages are closely related. Because neither of them is a subset of the other, you have to know a few rules to mix them.
I assume you saw the additional keywords typename or template used before a name in a template. Me too. Honestly, I was pretty surprised. Today’s post is about dependent names and various template parameters.
I often teach the basics of templates. Templates are special. Therefore, I encounter many misconceptions which cause surprises. Here are a few of them.
Today, I finish the C++ core guidelines rules to templates with a big surprise for many C++ developers. I write about the specialization of function templates.
Today, I write about the few remaining rules to templates. Because a collective name is missing, they put the heterogeneous rules to templates in the section other. The rules are about best practices but also about surprises.
My mini-series about programming at compile time started with template metaprogramming, continued with the type-traits library, and ended today with constant expressions (constexpr).
The type-traits library supports type checks, type comparisons, and type modifications at compile time. Right! Today, I write about type modifications at compile time.