The Broker Pattern structures distributed software systems that interact with remote service invocations.…

Lack of Training Culture: Why the Cultureless Don’t Stand a Chance
Last Monday, I published an article on Heise, "Mangel an Fortbildung: Warum die Kulturlosen keine Chance…

The Pipes-and-Filters architecture pattern describes the structure of systems that process data streams.

The layers pattern splits a task into horizontal layers. Each layer has a specific responsibility and…

Table of Content
This page is the starting point for my blog Modernes C++. A simple overview of my existing posts.

The Time Library
A blog dealing with multithreading in modern C++ but not writing about the new time library is incomplete.…

Multithreading with C++17 and C++20
Forecasts about the future are difficult. In particular, when they are about C++20. Nevertheless, I…

Multithreading in Modern C++
With the new C++11 Standard, C++ faces the first time challenges of multicore architectures. The…

Printed Version of “The C++ Standard Library” on Amazon
I have two great news. First, you have my "The C++ Standard Library" on Amazon; second, the book…

Architectural Patterns
Architectural patterns describe the fundamental structure of a software system and are often based on…