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C++ Core Guidelines: The Philosophy

Today, I will dig deeper into the C++ Core Guidelines. I wrote about the Introduction section in my last…

Get the Current Pdf Bundle: “Multithreading: The High-Level Interface”

I have prepared the current pdf bundle. To get it is quite simple.   If you subscribe to the…

My Book “Concurrency with Modern C++” is 30% complete

Concurrency with Modern C++ is a journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.   C++11…

Why do we need Guidelines for Modern C++?

This subjective post is based on more than 15 years of experience as a trainer for C++, Python, and software…

What is Modern C++?

We often speak about classical and modern C++. What does that mean? First of all: What is modern C++?…

The Winner is: Multithreading: The high-level Interface

The winners of the next pdf bundles are. [En]: Multithreading: The high-level interface[De]: Funktionale…

ABA – A is not the same as A

A common problem in concurrency is the so-called ABA problem. That means you read a value twice and each…

Which pdf bundle should I provide? Make your cross!

Now, it's time to choose the next pdf bundle? You will get all posts, all source files, and a cmake file…

Blocking and Non-Blocking Algorithms

Blocking, non-blocking, lock-free, and wait-free. Each of these terms describes a key characteristic…