Raw and Cooked
C++11 has user-defined literals for characters, C strings, integers, and floating-point numbers. Integers…

User-Defined Literals
User-defined literals are a unique feature in all mainstream programming languages. They empower you…

Published at Leanpub: The C++ Standard Library
Just published: The C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the…

I’m proud to present: The C++ Standard Library
The C++ Standard Library: All you have to know as a professional programmer about the C++ library.

Compare and Modify Types
The type-traits library empowers you to compare and modify types. All is done at compile time therefore,…

Check Types
Template Metaprogramming is programming at compile time. But what has template metaprogramming in common…

More and More Save
In the post Statically checked I wrote that the functions of the type-traits library are an ideal fit…

Statically Checked
static_assert is the tool in modern C++ to make your code safe.
The usage of static_assert…

The initialization of variables was unified in C++11. The rule is quite simple. {}-Initialization is…

auto-matically inititialized
Probably the most frequently used feature of C++11 is auto. Thanks to auto, the compiler determines the…